Blessing of the Pets Continues as a Drive-Thru
The 12th Annual Blessing of the Pets at Mills River Presbyterian Church will take place on Saturday, September 26, 2020, with a “drive thru” ceremony that offers a safe, socially-distant blessing for their pets. The event will take place rain or shine.
From 10am to noon, Rev. Merri Alexander and members of Mills River Presbyterian Church will offer pet readings and blessings as vehicles drive through the one-way pet blessing.
Vehicles coming through the Drive-Thru Pet Blessing will meet with church elders for prayers and readings, get a doggie bag of treats, and then continue through the planned route to receive personalized blessings from Rev. Alexander. At the final stop, people are invited to donate unopened bags and cans of pet foods to representatives of Blue Ridge Humane Society (BRHS). The collected items will be used to fill the Pet Pantry at BRHS that supports the needs of area residents who cannot afford food for their pets.