Blue Ridge Humane Society will host a low-cost vaccine clinic Saturday, August 17th from 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., while supplies last.
Our clinic operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Dogs must be on leashes & cats must be in carriers. Please be prepared to be patient while you and your pet(s) wait in your car. Please sign up prior to the clinic date by completing the form included below. Note that completing the form does not guarantee you a spot.
- Rabies 1 year and 3 years – Without physical proof of 1-year rabies, we cannot provide a 3-year rabies vaccine. Owners must bring a rabies certificate on the day of the clinic. Rabies tags will not be accepted.
- DAPP (distemper)
- Bordatella (kennel cough)
- Microchip
- PetHub ID tag
- Catego topical flea/tick prevention for Cats over 8 weeks of age (all weights)
Services Offered for $15
- Leptospirosis
- Vectra 3D topical flea/tick prevention for Dogs over 8 weeks of age (all weights)
For more information, call or text our Pet Helpline at (828) 393-5832 or email pethelpline@blueridgehumane.org.