
Lulu’s Happy Tail

A siamese cat with flame points

A siamese cat with flame points

Happy Tail Tuesday!
We love getting updates from our previous adopters, and the Tucker family just sent us an update on their newly adopted cat, Lulu (now known as Luna). She originally arrived to our facility very shy and needed a toe amputation due to an older injury. Luckily for Luna, we were able to get the procedure completed quickly and place her into a foster home to help with her recovery
Here is what Luna’s adopter has to say about her:
“She is a nervous kitty, so she’s taking some time to get comfortable in our home. She spends most of her time in the living room, but is slowly exploring and becoming more comfortable in other rooms. She is very playful in the morning and in the late evening. She mostly enjoys small soft toys that she bats around, and is also very responsive to a laser pointer. She enjoys affection and seems to like being near us, though she is not yet a lap cat – hopefully, one day! She does curl up on the couch near me to rest sometimes late at night after a play session. She jumped up on the bed this morning and curled up for a minute before jumping back down. Progress! I like most that she is affectionate. Even when she was new to the home and most nervous, she would purr when petted, and stretch out to expose her belly. She now comes up to us regularly for pets. I hope she will eventually become a lap kitty and sleep in the bed with us at night, but I will not love her any less if she prefers to keep a little distance. She is also very funny when she plays. She jumps a lot – it’s very cute!”
Thank you Lisa for giving Luna the love and life she deserves!

Make your own Happy Tail come true by adopting any of our animals here: https://www.blueridgehumane.org/adopt/