Dear Crystal,
I’ve had my cat for a year and three months now. He had no problem using the litter boxes. Then when we got our three foster boys, he stopped using the litter boxes and started peeing and pooping around the house. At first,…
The Blue Ridge Humane Society Thrift Store will be closed Monday, July 4th for the holiday and Tuesday, July 5th for a deep cleaning day. We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday, July 6th! Please check our website and Facebook page for… 15:02:212022-06-29 15:03:29Thrift Store Closures 10:02:362022-06-29 10:07:05Ask Crystal: 4th of July Tips
The Blue Ridge Humane Society Thrift Store will not be accepting donations today, Tuesday, June 28th due to limited staffing. We are still open for operations today so please come shop with us during our 70% off sale on costume jewelry, watches,… 08:32:452022-06-28 08:32:45Thrift Store Not Accepting Donations
Dear Crystal,
From animal shelter suspected 2 yrs old, May was a stray all her life. Very watchful, loving but extremely destructive. She potties outside, same spots. She takes curtains down and she seems remorseful after. I…
Dear Crystal,
We rescued a male husky two days ago from our local humane society. His history is largely unknown, but he is underweight and extremely timid and jumpy.
We did a meet-and-greet with our female husky prior… 14:00:512022-05-31 14:10:57Ask Crystal: New Friends or Foes?
Dear Crystal,
Tessa, our two-year-old (28lb) Aussiedoodle is a fluffy ball of energy and joy but has developed a terrible habit of barking in the car, which began when she was quite young and has been intermittent since. We have… 17:56:242022-05-31 12:47:08Ask Crystal: Barky Car Ride
Dear Crystal,
I adopted a 6-week-old puppy 4 years ago: My intention for her was to train her myself to be my service dog at best or therapy dog at the very least. The idea became very sticky and all tangled up when I became ill and was… 14:46:142022-05-31 12:46:28Ask Crystal: Building a Bond
Happy Tail Tuesday!
We are featuring Hei Hei's (now Fynn's) Happy Tail adoption update from Kaitlyn. Here is what they wanted to let us know:
"Fynn is doing amazing! He’s such a sweetheart. He loves his…
Dear Crystal,
We have a nine-week-old corgi puppy. She is biting constantly. We are trying to stay calm and positive but she is drawing blood. We try to distract her with bones or go outside. We have had her for 2.5 weeks and she is…
Ask Crystal: Litter Box Issues
Thrift Store Closures
Ask Crystal: 4th of July Tips
Thrift Store Not Accepting Donations
Ask Crystal: Destructive Rescue
Ask Crystal: New Friends or Foes?
Ask Crystal: Barky Car Ride
Ask Crystal: Building a Bond
Hei Hei’s Happy Tail
Ask Crystal: Mouthy Puppy