Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
I recently got a cocker spaniel pup. He is cocker number five owned over the…
https://www.blueridgehumane.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/dog-treat-2336532_1280.jpg1280853angelaphttps://www.blueridgehumane.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/BRHS-Logo-01-1030x305.pngangelap2021-02-22 13:53:432021-02-22 13:53:43Ask Crystal: Nature vs Nurture-Puppy Edition
Foster Friday: Pro Tip Edition
A Foster Friday Pro Tip for fosters or adoptive families!
Mat training is an extremely useful tool for cat owners and it is an easy, reward-based activity that can help you bond with your cat!…
https://www.blueridgehumane.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/cat-4262737_1280.jpg8531280angelaphttps://www.blueridgehumane.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/BRHS-Logo-01-1030x305.pngangelap2021-02-19 10:11:082021-02-16 10:15:12Foster Friday: Pro Tips
Today's Featured Pet is Maggie!
Maggie, Mags, Mag-licious...this girl is a total BABE! We can't get enough of her chubby cheeks and her thiccc bod. Maggie definitely has all the jiggle in all the right places, but…
Today's Happy Tail is Jack!
What an adorable Happy Tail!
Jack, now named Ranger, was born while in foster. His mom, found as a stray was discovered to be pregnant. One of our experienced fosters cared for her, giving her a safe place…
Blue Ridge Humane Launches Text Line for Lost Pet Help
Blue Ridge Humane Society has launched a new lost animal text line to further provide support for pet owners facing the unthinkable: a lost pet.
If you have a pet go missing, text…
https://www.blueridgehumane.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Harriett-puppy-and-Robin.jpg643900angelaphttps://www.blueridgehumane.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/BRHS-Logo-01-1030x305.pngangelap2021-02-10 13:19:342021-02-10 13:19:34New Text Line to Help Find Lost Pets
Today's Featured Pet is Scooter!
Poor Scooter aka Scoots landed in the shelter because his former owner could no longer care for him due to them having medical issues arise. Needless to say Scooter is a bit out of his…
Today's Happy Tail is Reginald!
This week we are celebrating Reginald, now named Toad!
Reginald was found as a stray, and after getting checked out moved from our Adoption Center into a foster home. His foster family quickly fell…
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Hi Crystal,
I have a 3-month ok’d puppy beagle/lab/collie mix. She is going through teething,…
Foster Friday: Nurses Needed
This week on Foster Friday...calling all nurturing types! URIs or "upper respiratory infections" are a common problem for cats housed in a shelter environment, so we like to send those kitties to foster homes…
Today's Featured Pet is Demi!
Demi is laid back, low key and a complete sweetie! She came to us originally as a stray without previous home information but we think she would love any place as mellow as…
Ask Crystal: Nature vs Nurture-Puppy Edition
Foster Friday: Pro Tips
Meet Maggie
Jack’s Happy Tail
New Text Line to Help Find Lost Pets
Meet Scooter-ADOPTED
Reginald’s Happy Tail
Ask Crystal: Mouthy Puppy
Foster Friday: Nurses Needed
Meet Demi!