Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
We recently adopted a new dog and she is being quite destructive. We tried crating…
https://www.blueridgehumane.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/adorable-animal-beagle-1031466.jpg10001500angelaphttps://www.blueridgehumane.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/BRHS-Logo-01-1030x305.pngangelap2019-08-05 19:00:062019-08-05 19:00:06Ask Crystal: Training an High Energy, Destructive Dog
Today's Featured Friday Pet is Neela!
Neela can't understand why she hasn't found her forever home yet. Considering the fact that there is currently a Facebook group with over 300,000 members called "This Cat is Chonky," you'd think people…
Today's Happy Tail Tuesday is Fred!
Puppies sure are definitely cute, but sure are a lot of work! We are always extra happy to hear when puppies are thriving in their new homes.
"Fred is such a joy- he loves his toys and his roommates.…
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
I have a two year old Chihuahua who is a full indoor dog. We do go outside from…
https://www.blueridgehumane.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/adorable-animal-black-dog-2480395.jpg15001500angelaphttps://www.blueridgehumane.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/BRHS-Logo-01-1030x305.pngangelap2019-07-29 11:01:052019-07-29 11:01:05Ask Crystal: Re-Training a Potty Habit
Today's Featured Friday Pet is Heidi!
The dog days of summer are here, but don't get down, get a dog! With her soft and elegant ears, and equally soft personality, Heidi perfectly embodies this slow, sleepy season of summer. Heidi's idea…
Blue Ridge Humane Society has partnered with WTZQ Radio and Historic Downtown Hendersonville for this year’s Strut Your Mutt 5K Run & Walk presented by Hunter Subaru on Saturday, July 27, 2019. The dog-friendly run & walk will kick…
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
I have a 6-month old lab mix puppy. He is quite the hand full. He has so much energy…
Today's Featured Friday Pet is Josephine!
After being in a shelter for months, we think it's high time Ms. Josephine gets her due! Originally a stray, we don't know much about Josephine's back story, but her rescuer did note that she seemed…
Today's Happy Tail Tuesday is Koby!
Koby was voted "best smile" during his brief time at our adoption center, and it didn't take long for him to win someone over with his happy grin and warm personality.
"As soon as I saw them bring Koby…
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
I recently adopted a 5-year-old dog a couple of weeks ago from a shelter. Poor guy…
Ask Crystal: Training an High Energy, Destructive Dog
Meet Neela!
Fred’s Happy Tail
Ask Crystal: Re-Training a Potty Habit
Meet Heidi!
Blue Ridge Humane & WTZQ host Strut Your Mutt
Ask Crystal: Bitey Puppy
Meet Josephine!
Koby’s Happy Tail
Ask Crystal: Housetraining Troubleshooting