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82 search results for: crate training


Featured Pet is… Gemmy!

Whether it’s hitting the trails and going on an adventure, doing yoga, or settling down to rest by your feet with a chew toy, Gemmy is a fantastic companion. She […]


Ask Crystal: Food Guarding

Dear Crystal,  We adopted a 3-year-old male hound mix a couple of weeks ago. He is a very sweet dog and we love him very much. We are having a […]


Ask Crystal: Potty Problems

Dear Crystal,  We have a 11-week Golden Retriever. She has not been potty trained and has never been crate trained. We’ve been trying to start crate training with her. Every […]


Ask Crystal: Destructive Rescue

Dear Crystal, From animal shelter suspected 2 yrs old, May was a stray all her life. Very watchful, loving but extremely destructive. She potties outside, same spots. She takes curtains down and […]


Ask Crystal: Whining Puppy Woes

Dear Crystal,  So, I put my new puppy in the crate to nap and he whines for a while and then falls asleep. He will wake up to whining and all […]


Ask Crystal: To Chew or Not to Chew

Dear Crystal,  We have an almost 5-year-old female German Shepherd who has never been destructive other than with some of her chew toys. Today she destroyed my husband’s workshop. We keep […]


Ask Crystal: Conditioning for Clothing

Welcome to “Ask Crystal,” where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page! Dear Crystal,  I have a […]