Rodney’s Happy Tail
Today’s Happy Tail Tuesday is Rodney Dangercat!

Rodney as a foster kitten
Jean is one of our awesome fosters who has opened her home to countless kittens over the years. When a scruffy little singleton with an eye infection came along last kitten season, Jean didn’t hesitate to give the kitten, who we named Rodney, a place to grow big and strong like she had countless times before. The only difference was, this time, one of Jean’s resident cats had recently passed away and Jean was feeling a hole in her heart. As Rodney grew, Jean felt more and more sure that Rodney had already found his forever home – with her. “Foster failing” may sound negative, but everyone knows it’s a happy thing when the right foster fits in at the right place at the right time. Thank you Jean for giving Rodney a chance to turn into the beautiful boy he is today, and for giving him a forever home too. Perhaps the biggest thanks of all for changing his name to Rodney Dangercat 🙂.

Rodney Dangercat
“Isn’t Rodney Dangercat a handsome and dignified fellow? I laugh and laugh and laugh with him. He is such a gift. Tomorrow is his first birthday, according to your paperwork, so the cat toy I won will be one of his birthday presents. He is wild and crazy, fearless, handsome and loving…you know, the best, a dog in a cat suit! Also very elegant and dignified….and CRAZY! He is such an awesome little guy, so glad I “failed” with him.”