
Black and tan dog with green reindeer ears

Holiday Tips for Healthy Pets

Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe The holidays should be a time of joy and celebration. Follow these simple recommendations to help avoid unwanted dangers or problems for your pets and ensure a merry happy holiday for all! Securely anchor your…
a mid sized grey dog wearing red christmas attire
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Captain Chewie, Local Shelter Dog, Loses His Eye But Not His Christmas Spirit and Wishes For A Home Of His Own

Captain Chewie, a 4 year old large mixed breed male dog has had a tough road to travel when he recently lost his eye and has been dealing with an untreated skin condition. Captain Chewie was found by Henderson County Animal Control in…
A white kitty with grey ears and large spot on his back sits on a blanket

Meet Mike!

Today's Featured Pet is Mike! If you look real close at our kitty, MIKE, you'll see a geometric diamond that points to the top of his forehead. Yes, he sure is a diamond in the rough!!!…
Max, a medium sized black dog with floppy ears wears a red checked bandana

Meet Max!

Today's Featured Pet is Max! Meet Max, our Featured Pet this week!   It's too easy to be Maxmerized by this stunning fellow! Max is a total heartthrob here at the shelter, and…
A black dog with white markings on her nose and chest sits looking up with her tongue out

Meet Janessa!

Today's Featured Pet is Janessa! Janessa is SO freaking cute! This happy girl is always smiling and wagging her tail. We aren't sure if she has ever met a stranger but she definitely knows…
a white medium sized dog with black markings on her right eye and both ears

Meet Arizona – Adopted!

Today's Featured Pet is Arizona! Miss Arizona may be the new girl on the block but she is already winning hearts over. This soft adolescent girl is a little nervous in this environment…
A white-ish grey dog sits on the ground looking up at the camera with a smile while wearing a blue cap

Meet Rody!

Today's Featured Pet is Rody! Meet Rody, our Featured Pet this week! Rody is a very sweet old man that is as social as they get with people! Rody is very people oriented and loves nudging your hand…
a large dog with huskie markings of white and grey

Meet Nymaria!

Today's Featured Pet is Nymaria! Nymaria is our Featured Pet this week! She may look like a wolf, but under all the fluff is a silly, playful girl!  Despite her size, Nymeria…
a dark tortoise colored cat with large yellow eyes looks up at a treat held almost out of frame.

Meet Tortellini – Adopted!

Today's Featured Pet is Tortellini! Label this cat under the "precious angel baby" files! Tortellini couldn't have a better suited name for being the most perfect lil' tortie girl. Originally…
a grey cat with white nose looks up at the camera

Meet Europa – Adopted!

Today's Featured Pet is Europa! Meet Europa! She's our Featured Pet this week and we think you can see why! Europa is a play hard, rest hard girl and she may feel better in a home where she…