
Ask Crystal: Bite-y Dog Problems
Dear Crystal,
I have a dog that just turned one, but he’s way too hyper and he will bite my smaller and older dogs' neck when he gets excited. He doesn’t know how to back off of him when he is obviously not wanting to deal with him…

Ask Crystal: New Friends or Foes?
Dear Crystal,
We rescued a male husky two days ago from our local humane society. His history is largely unknown, but he is underweight and extremely timid and jumpy.
We did a meet-and-greet with our female husky prior…

Ask Crystal: Barky Car Ride
Dear Crystal,
Tessa, our two-year-old (28lb) Aussiedoodle is a fluffy ball of energy and joy but has developed a terrible habit of barking in the car, which began when she was quite young and has been intermittent since. We have…

Ask Crystal: Building a Bond
Dear Crystal,
I adopted a 6-week-old puppy 4 years ago: My intention for her was to train her myself to be my service dog at best or therapy dog at the very least. The idea became very sticky and all tangled up when I became ill and was…

Ask Crystal: Mouthy Puppy
Dear Crystal,
We have a nine-week-old corgi puppy. She is biting constantly. We are trying to stay calm and positive but she is drawing blood. We try to distract her with bones or go outside. We have had her for 2.5 weeks and she is…

Ask Crystal: Training an High Energy, Destructive Dog
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
We recently adopted a new dog and she is being quite destructive. We tried crating…

Ask Crystal: Re-Training a Potty Habit
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
I have a two year old Chihuahua who is a full indoor dog. We do go outside from…

Ask Crystal: Bitey Puppy
Welcome to "Ask Crystal," where you can ask your pet behavior questions! You can submit your question for Crystal at the bottom of the page!
Dear Crystal,
I have a 6-month old lab mix puppy. He is quite the hand full. He has so much energy…