Blue Ridge Humane Welcomes Adam LeGrand, K9’s for Warriors Ambassador
Blue Ridge Humane Society welcomes Adam LeGrand and his service dog Molly for a special luncheon celebrating the power of animal rescue not just here in Henderson County but in the lives of veterans across the country.
Adam LeGrand chose…
Using Your IRA for a Tax-Free Donation
Using Your IRA for a Tax-Free Donation
With all the tax law changes and deduction increases using the tax benefits that charitable donations can provide may have become a little more complicated. But, there are ways that you can continue to…
Francisco’s Happy Tail
Francisco's Happy Tail
We loved getting this update on the recently adopted Francisco, our former longest term cat resident! Lori quickly fell in love with Francisco and wasn't fazed by his FIV+ status. Cats with FIV can live long, healthy…
Rocky & Oregon’s Happy Tail
Rocky & Oregon's Happy Tail
For a double feature of absolute adorable-ness, here is a Happy Tail Pup-date that is almost too cute to handle.
Rocky was adopted almost a year ago after being in our care for a short amount of time but…
Maggie & Gypsy’s Happy Tail
Now for the Smack our Heads Happy Tail Tuesday, Kitty Edition!
When the Scheel's adopted bonded 7 year old sisters Maggie and Gypsy a couple weeks ago, it seemed like the pair of lovely black cats had found their perfect fit. Our feeling…
Bullwinkle’s Happy Tail
Today's Happy Tail Tuesday is Bullwinkle!
We like to check in with recent adopters to see how their new pet is settling in, and this response and photo from the adopters of Bullwinkle, with all its loving brutal honesty, gave us all a laugh.…
The New Hope Program is a Match with Double Your Donation!
Double Your Donation! We think things come better in two's... kittens, dog and their person, treats, donations! Today through Thanksgiving, every dollar donated to Blue Ridge Humane Society will be matched with a donation to our New Hope Program!
Promise Seeks Her Forever Home!
Bearfootin' Auction Comes October 19, 2019!
Promise, our 2019 Downtown Hendersonville Bearfootin' Bear will join the other bears at the 2019 live auction on October 19! The proceeds from Promise's sale will help provide care for the animals…
Blue Ridge Humane & WTZQ host Strut Your Mutt
Blue Ridge Humane Society has partnered with WTZQ Radio and Historic Downtown Hendersonville for this year’s Strut Your Mutt 5K Run & Walk presented by Hunter Subaru on Saturday, July 27, 2019. The dog-friendly run & walk will kick…