
Meet Tortellini – Adopted!
Today's Featured Pet is Tortellini!
Label this cat under the "precious angel baby" files! Tortellini couldn't have a better suited name for being the most perfect lil' tortie girl. Originally…

Ask Crystal: Adopting A New Dog
Hi! I want to get another dog because I had to put down one of my dogs and my other dog is 11 years old and a female. The only other dogs she knows are neighbor dogs, but I am afraid of what she would do. Help, how can I know?

Meet Europa – Adopted!
Today's Featured Pet is Europa!
Meet Europa! She's our Featured Pet this week and we think you can see why! Europa is a play hard, rest hard girl and she may feel better in a home where she…

Meet Boo Boo – Adopted!
Today's Featured Pet is Boo Boo!
Boo Boo has one of those faces that just makes you melt! If his name wasn't enough to do that this beefy boy made his way to us after suddenly becoming homeless.…

Meet Trixie!
Today's Featured Pet is Trixie!
Trixie is a really curious girl who loves getting her ears rubbed! She seems to be very playful with other dogs and really has taken to Woody and Jake. She…

Ask Crystal: Unwanted Humping Attention
Dear Crystal,
Just read your article on humping in dogs.
However, I have a totally opposite problem. Our 13-month-old, neutered coonhound seems to inspire other dogs into humping him. He's not particularly submissive by nature and never…

Ask Crystal: Dog Socialization in a Socially Distant World
Dear Crystal,
We got our puppy (lab x standard poodle) during lockdown (in planning for 2yrs!) We did manage a short puppy obedience course and a couple of socialization sessions (without us - puppy dropped off) which he was good at.…

New Pet Loss Peer Support Group
Blue Ridge Humane Offers Pet Loss Peer Support Group
Blue Ridge Humane Society knows how difficult the loss of a loved pet can be, and to support grieving pet owners, is offering a new peer support group with a professional group moderator.

Meet Jake!
Today's Featured Pet is Jake!
Meet Jake!
Jake is a goofy guy that LOVES to play tug! Right now his favorite toy is a rope toy but we are sure that he will be impressed with anything you give…

Ask Crystal: Old Dog, New Tricks?
Dear Crystal,
My cockapoo Abby is 9 yrs old and was raised with our other cockapoo who passed a few years ago. She was the friendliest dog and loved other dogs and people. Abby on the other hand doesn’t like kids and other dogs…