
Meet Bo – Adopted!
Today's Featured Pet is Bo!
Bo is definitely a Mr. StealYourGirl type personality! He knows exactly how to look at you with his perfectly heart throbby boo boo eyes. Besides being extremely…

Meet Otis!
Today's Featured Pet is Otis!
Talk about a BIG goofy boy that has wiggle butts for DAYS. This hunky pup has got an incredibly endearing smile that will automatically put you in a great mood.…

Meet Daya – Adopted!
Today's Featured Pet is Daya!
Our featured pet this week is Daya!
"She is small and delicate looking. She loves petting and playing but is not a "lap cat" and doesn't like to be held.…

Meet Rody!
Today's Featured Pet is Rody!
Meet Rody, our Featured Pet this week! Rody is a very sweet old man that is as social as they get with people! Rody is very people oriented and loves nudging your hand…

Meet Nymaria!
Today's Featured Pet is Nymaria!
Nymaria is our Featured Pet this week! She may look like a wolf, but under all the fluff is a silly, playful girl!
Despite her size, Nymeria…

Ask Crystal: Two Cats are Complicated
Dear Crystal,
I have two young cats. Parker is the new guy and Miles the one who was an only cat. They are getting along well generally, playing together, hanging out peacefully in the same spots, using the same litterboxes, etc. The…

Meet Tortellini – Adopted!
Today's Featured Pet is Tortellini!
Label this cat under the "precious angel baby" files! Tortellini couldn't have a better suited name for being the most perfect lil' tortie girl. Originally…

Ask Crystal: Adopting A New Dog
Hi! I want to get another dog because I had to put down one of my dogs and my other dog is 11 years old and a female. The only other dogs she knows are neighbor dogs, but I am afraid of what she would do. Help, how can I know?

Meet Europa – Adopted!
Today's Featured Pet is Europa!
Meet Europa! She's our Featured Pet this week and we think you can see why! Europa is a play hard, rest hard girl and she may feel better in a home where she…

Meet Boo Boo – Adopted!
Today's Featured Pet is Boo Boo!
Boo Boo has one of those faces that just makes you melt! If his name wasn't enough to do that this beefy boy made his way to us after suddenly becoming homeless.…